Jan 1, 2014

2013 was interesting. It was a year of stagnancy, waiting, frustration.  It was also a year of high emotion, loving, fighting. I'm not going back over it.

I seldom make New Years resolutions. If I see a problem, no matter what part of the year it is, I aim to fix it.  But, some changes have been happening in December, and this is timely. So, in the spirit of the day, this is what's going on.

I vow, this year, to bring more art into my life.  Not just collecting, but creating also.  Lately, I've been hanging out with tons of artists.  Luiz is renewed, and on the verge of selling one of his big pieces.  That's a big thing, and his creativity in the house is refreshing.  For Christmas, Irv bought me a painting that I had my eye on. Luiz has a work in progress for me.  I actually got art supplies as gifts.  It's time.

Here's hoping I'll have new walls to display all this art before 2015.

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